How CGPA is Calculated (Classified Method)

How CGPA is Calculated ?

For each subject that u've successfully taken, a grade will be issued after the final exam. these grades each carry a specific point value. typically, A carries 4.00, B carries 3.00 and C carries 2.00. each of these points will be calculated based on the credit rating of each subject, and later summed up to give u ur GPA for that particular semester. for example:

Semester 1

subject M (6 credits): B = 3.00
subject N (2 credits): A = 4.00
subject O (3 credits): C = 2.00

(6 x 3.00) + (2 x 4.00) + (3 x 2.00) = 32 total grade point for 11 credits. hence, your GPA for semester 1  is:

32 / 11 = 2.91 GPA for semester 1. since this is your first semester, your GPA is also your CGPA.

Semester 2
subject P (6 credits): A = 4.00
subject Q (3 credits): B = 3.00
subject R (3 credits): E = 0.00 (FAIL)
subject S (2 credits): B = 3.00

(6 x 4.00) + (3 x 3.00) + (3 x 0.00) + (2 x 3.00) = 39 total grade point for 14 credits. hence your GPA for semester 2 is:

39 / 14 = 2.79 GPA for semester 2

Now that this is your second semester, your CGPA will be calculated by combining the two. However, a direct average is wrong. CGPA is calculated NOT based on the average of GPAs per semester, but based on grade points per credit that you take. To calculate your CGPA based on the two semesters above:

[(total grade point for sem 1) + (total grade point for sem 2)] / total credit taken in all semesters

[(32) + (39)] / (11 + 14) = 2.84 CGPA

I hope now you have learnt, how to calculate CGPA.
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